About Us

The center of your business is relationships. So is ours. Here’s a little more about who we are and what we do.

The power of human

In today’s tech-dominated world, automation and artificial intelligence often take the human out of day-to-day engagement in favor of efficiency.

But our customers know that their professional success relies on something technology can’t replicate: genuine human connection.

That’s why at Cloze, we focus on making (and making the most of) your relattionships, creating opportunities for you to more easily forge, maintain, and grow authentic relationships that have the power to multiply your revenue.

Our story

How we got started

Just like you, we’re entrepreneurs whose success has always depended on our connections. As communications became more distributed across more and more communication vehicles and across multiple companies, it became simultaneously easier to have a large network…and harder to remember important details about each connection. 

All of the important stuff about our relationships — our “relationship gold”—is trapped. It’s trapped in our email, meetings, phone calls, notes, documents and our work software too — and spread across a dozen apps or more.

Our founders, Dan Foody and Alex Coté, saw an opportunity to meet this challenge by creating a smart platform to capture this relationship gold, analyze it, and expose actionable recommendations that strengthened relationships, minimized the manual effort of contact database hygiene, and surfaced new professional opportunities. 

Over time, that powerful idea has grown into a robust AI-powered relationship platform designed to help businesses increase productivity and profitability by capitalizing on the power of human connection.

Our commitment to you

We value your trust and understand that your relationships are the most important asset you have. That’s why we make the following commitments:

  • Secure

    We provide multiple layers of security around your information, from access-protected data centers through network- and application-level security.

    Your information is encrypted both in transit and at rest. Sensitive information, such as your email, messages, and passwords, have additional layers of encryption.

    For securing your account we support leading-edge technologies such as SSO, 2FA, authenticator apps, Oauth2, and PassKeys.

  • Private

    You are the only one who can see your information within Cloze. Our employees can’t see it—it’s encrypted even to us, and we won’t share your personal email, social information, or phone/text records with anyone, including your company.

    Cloze complies with all major privacy legislation – from GDPR to CCPA.

    You can cancel Cloze at any time, and we’ll permanently delete all of your information.

  • Trusted

    We want to build a product and a company that we’re proud of, and that means that every decision we make is focused on our customers’ best interests.

    Our embrace of open architecture is one way we reflect that—to ensure that our customers always have the freedom to choose the tools that work best for them—even if they aren’t ours.

Our Founders

Dan and Alex founded Cloze in 2012 and have grown it to become one of the most beloved and highly adopted solutions in real estate.

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Join our Team!

At Cloze, every day is different.

One day, we might be finding innovative ways to strengthen relationships through AI, and the next we could be solving day-to-day annoyances that impact productivity. We move fast, embrace a challenge, and demand curiosity. And we’re always looking for team members that feel the same. Expertise in node.js, Cassandra, Hadoop, html5, and jquery is required.