With more than one million real estate agents in the United States, the competition to grow your business is fierce. However, establishing an effective routine – one inspired by top-producing real estate agents throughout the country – can help improve your chances of making it to the top. To help you learn how to drive your business and be successful, we have identified six helpful habits from the daily routines of top performers in the real estate industry.
You will hear insight from six top real estate pros:
- Tookie Nemchak, Realtor, Keller Williams Clemson
- Spencer Tuckett, Business Development Manager, California Coast Escrow
- Inaky Strick, Broker Associate, Kuper Sotheby’s International Realty
- Talita Fagerstrom, Director, Lead Generation, Soleil Sotheby’s International Realty
- Tamy Gluck, Owner, Managing Broker, Soleil Sotheby’s International Realty
- Shirly Yoon, Real Estate Broker, Sotheby’s International Realty Canada
Tip #1: Start Your Day Early
Research shows that waking before sunrise can be beneficial to your day. It improves your concentration and enhances your productivity. Tookie, Spencer, and Inaky all report they rise at 5 a.m. every day, which gives them plenty of time to conduct their morning routine before entering the office.
My morning routine is what I would consider my morning ritual. Without it the rest of my day doesn’t go as smoothly as I would hope so it’s something that I religiously perform and execute every day,” shared Spencer.
I get up at five in the morning and the first thing I do is meditate. The second thing I do is grab a cup of coffee and then read for thirty minutes,” said Tookie.
Tip #2: Begin Your Day with Self-Care
Waking up and getting straight to work can increase your chances of experiencing burnout. Instead of jumping right into business, our top agents report starting the day with various self-care acts.
I run upstairs and do a quick exercise class of some kind. And then I start doing my gratitude affirmations, and I read something,” shared Tamy.
Self-care activities promote your spiritual, mental, and physical well-being. They include the following:
- Exercising
- Meditating
- Reading
- Practicing gratitude or affirmations
Select the activities that most inspire you and promote your personal well-being.
I text my assistant two things that I’m grateful for, and she texts back two things that she’s grateful for, and that just kind of sets the tone for the day,” said Inaky.
Tip #3: Don’t Go Straight to Email
For many, checking and responding to email can take the majority of the day. Unfortunately, many of those responses are later recognized as wasted time – they do not relate to or promote your current activity. Therefore, instead of going straight to email, our top agents report using Cloze to identify high-priority morning tasks. Their first task upon entering the office each day is to open their Cloze account and review their Cloze Agenda.
Around eight-thirty, 9 o’clock, that’s when I pull up Cloze. The one piece that I absolutely love is I never have to think who do I need to reach out to today. I never have that thought…the Agenda essentially tells me, everybody that I need to reach out to,” shared Spencer.
The automated email comes to me … my daily Cloze email, and I literally just sit and go through it. I look at … [what’s] top line or what’s high level to deal with that day and then … get the day going and ready … then, after that, [I] look at Cloze on my screen … and chip away at the Agenda. And I love that. It’s constantly moving … it’s constantly shifting to what [I] should be prioritizing at the time,” offered Shirley.
The Cloze Agenda provides agents a platform for staying focused and on track throughout the day. It creates an efficient task list that helps agents stay proactive.
- The Agenda reorders dynamically to always keep what’s important “right now” at the top.
- Similar tasks are grouped together so you can take care of them all at once.
- You can take action with a simple swipe.
Tip #4: Structure Your Day with Time Blocking
Having a plan for your day can help make you more efficient. It creates structure and reduces wasted time, ensuring that all of your clients’ needs are met, and new business is created. Our top agents indicate that by starting their day with the Cloze Agenda, they can concentrate on completing all administrative tasks in the morning. The afternoons are then reserved for appointments and open houses.
Having the first part of my day in the office and the second part of my day out and about in the field … really gives structure to my [time]. So we’re not just running around not knowing what to do that day,” explained Inaky.
Tip #5: Stick to Your Routine Every Day
A daily routine needs to be just that — a daily routine. It’s important to stick with it every day so you stay on track. A little bit of outreach each day keeps your sphere strong. And most importantly, you can focus on relationship building instead of paperwork!
l look at the Agenda and … start following up with what I need to do. It’s really nice … It tells me when my meetings are that [have been] set up for the day, who I need to keep in touch with, [and] what agents I need to follow up with. It has a list of everything to do, so it just makes [things] nice and easy,” said Talita.
The Cloze Agenda promotes a weekly routine by creating a daily schedule that covers all essential aspects of your business. Here are the most prominent features of the Cloze Agenda that help agents maintain a weekly routine:
- It automatically creates keep-in-touch reminders, so you never lose a relationship.
- It tracks meetings – current, future, and past.
- It detects important messages in emails, including those you would usually reply to, those with action items, and those with deadlines using artificial intelligence (A.I.)
- It sends reminders on birthdays and anniversaries.
Tip #6: Always Wrap Up Your Day
Creating an evening ritual can help improve your mental health by promoting a work-life balance. It provides an end of the day, permitting you to move on to new ventures in the evening. For some, this part of their daily routine includes attending networking events, while others use the time to prep for the next day.
[During] the day, I track how many calls I make. So, at the end of the day, I look and see how many calls I’ve made and how many text messages I’ve sent. It helps [me understand] where I’m at with that,” noted Tookie.
The Cloze Agenda works with you to ensure that all unfinished activities are transitioned to the next day’s schedule, permitting you to continue working productively while building constructive relationships.

Have you tried Cloze?
Cloze is a smart CRM (customer relationship management) platform with a built-in AI personal assistant that gets rid of data entry and helps you close more business with your leads and your sphere of influence.